| مـعـهــد الـعـربـيـة الآن
This space has been intended for questions and answers concerning homework and treated subjects by students and professor.
Other matter you can write about in the guest book.
You can find the previous guest book, from 2006 till 2008, here (in the Dutch language).



Homework revision:
• Correction exercise 6 p. 47 – no mistake
• 2 words, which where boyfriend and girlfriend
(translation of girlfriend does not exist in Arabic, however the word can be translated in the following way: sadika al walad)
• Dictation: 3 out of 10 points
o Remarks:
- 3x the same mistake: confusion of the letter ٥ and ح, such as نحن
General rules:
• Hamza rule
- Discussed the 3 letters that can occur with ء : ا و ى
- When ء (Hamza) on these letters, the letter will be pronounced like the initial letter, even if there is damma, kasra or shaddaa
• Verb ‘to be’
- Does not exist in the present time in Arabic language !
- Example: the girl is beautiful – al bint jamila
• Rules for noun + adjective
- noun adjective
m. m.
f. f.
s. s.
2 2
p. p.
- plural of things, not persons will be (s. f.), which means that last word ends with ة
Unit 5 p. 51
• practice of reading & pronunciation p. 55 – ‘everyday objects’
• practice of reading & pronunciation p. 57 – ‘describing things’
• Rules p. 58
- Difference between ‘a pen’ & ‘the pen’
- Example: hadha qalam & hadha huwa al qalam
• Possessive endings p. 60
- Revision of the different endings when my; your (m); your (f); her; his
• Exercise 7 p. 62
- Practised to make descriptions (which is also one part of the homework)
o Remark: special form of colours when they become f & p (see teachers notes with the f & p special forms: black, white, red, yellow, green, blue
• Vocabulary Unit 5 p. 64-65
- Pronunciation + recorded
• Homework for 17.01.2017:
1. Exercise 4 p. 56
2. Own small crossword (see example p. 56)
3. Exercise 6 p. 59
4. 5 sentences male example & 5 sentences female example with possessive endings (see p.60)
5. 10 sentence examples of Idafa construction (example: the book of the girl; the car of the man etc.)
6. Exercise 7 p. 62
7. 7 sentences: noun + adjective (example: al bint Jamila)
This will be a new standard for each week
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