| مـعـهــد الـعـربـيـة الآن
This space has been intended for questions and answers concerning homework and treated subjects by students and professor.
Other matter you can write about in the guest book.
You can find the previous guest book, from 2006 till 2008, here (in the Dutch language).



Homework revision:
• 2 words, which were ‘woman’ and ‘man’
• Correction of exercises from the book (Unit 3)
o Remarks:
- remarks to some letters in my writing: زور (have to touch the lowest line)
- letter إ written without a ta marbuta !
• Correction of ‘5 sentences of my family’
o Remarks:
- the use of ‘I have’: for the relations the term ‘li’ is used while when you own something the term ‘iindi’ is used. Example: not iindi ab but li ab/ iindi kalb not li kalb.
- closer space between و and its following word, not to the previous word.
- In Arabic, you don’t write ‘I have one brother’, but ‘I have brother one’. Example: iindi akh wahad
• Dictation
o Score: 6 out of 10 points
Start of Unit 4 p. 37
• Practice of different pronunciations p. 40, 41
o Remarks:
- there are letters, which are the same but very different in their pronunciation. Example: ض د
• endings of noun (singular/ plural) p. 46
o Remarks:
- male + ة = female
- male (plural) = male + ؤن
- female (plural) = male + ١ت
• short alif
o Remarks:
- Short alif: ى (without two dots pronounced as an ‘a’)
• Unit 8: verb ‘to have’ - revision
• Unit 10: words, where the first letter is skun (11 words only)
1. 2 words
2. 7 topics – preparation of paper
3. vocabulary until p. 50 for dictation
4. Ex 6 p. 47
1 Guest(s)

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