| مـعـهــد الـعـربـيـة الآن
This space has been intended for questions and answers concerning homework and treated subjects by students and professor.
Other matter you can write about in the guest book.
You can find the previous guest book, from 2006 till 2008, here (in the Dutch language).



Homework revision:
• own crossword – trying to redo it with more words if possible
• exercise with Idafa construction (construction “of” rule)
o remarks:
- first word damma, second word kasra
- example: qalamu albinti
• new words:
- weather: altaks
- country: balad
- gentleman: sid
- grandfather: jad
- grandmother: jada
New rules:
• different pronunciation when:
ً = an (example: shukran, afwaan)
ٌ = on
ٍ = in
• new pronunciation rule: moon & sun letters
o remarks:
- if first word and second is a moon letter: al + l
- if first word sun and second moon: a + l
- if first moon and second sun: al + / (none of both)
• Separation of sentences:
o Remarks:
- First the separation of a sentence should be made logically!
- Second, the last word before the break is pronounced as a skun, doesn’t maker which vowel the word had before
- Rule:
ْ = ً ْ = َ
ْ = ٌ ْ = ُ
ْ = ٍ ْ = ِ
o Example: albintu Jamilu laha ….
First separation:
[albintu jamilu] became with the application of the rule: albintu Jamila
1. Crossword
2. 5x moon letters examples (al bint wa al walad) – pronunciation practice
5x sun letters examples
3. 7 sentences noun + adjective
4. revise exercise 7 p. 62 and separate the sentences logically
5. construction “of”: 6x examples
6. Unit 6 – try exercises that are understandable
7. Vocabulary until p. 82
8. 2 words
1 Guest(s)

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