| مـعـهــد الـعـربـيـة الآن
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Homework revision:
o remarks
- the adjectives jadid & qadim are only used with things, not people !
- take care of the spaces: between و and the following word, there is no space, however normal space with the word before.
- The word kadhalik is read like alif is there!
o Dictation: 7 out of 10
o New words: a plane; to speak – I speak
New rules:
• “on it”: ala ha (feminine form), so “ala” (on) with the joining of “ha” (it) is in combination written with the letter ya: عليها
• masculine form of “on it”: اليه
• subject vs. object
I me
You you
He him
She her
We us
They them
= is explained in Unit 5! (Different endings)
• Kabir: can be used for old or big
• Saghir: can be used for young (age) and small (body)
• Differences between:
- This is a chair: hadha kursi
- This chair: hadha al-kursi
- This chair is old: hadha al-kursi qadim
Homework for next lesson:
1. 7 sentences (English version on Whiteboard)
2. exercise 1 p. 84
3. exercise 2 p. 86
4. exercise 4 p. 89
5. exercise 5 p. 90
6. 2 words
7. vocabulary until p. 92
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