| مـعـهــد الـعـربـيـة الآن
This space has been intended for questions and answers concerning homework and treated subjects by students and professor.
Other matter you can write about in the guest book.
You can find the previous guest book, from 2006 till 2008, here (in the Dutch language).



Arabic Class Monday 14 October 2013 - Summary
We continued to practise writing the Arabic alphabet for the first part of the class by asking questions to explain in more detail the specific characters we found more challenging to write.
We then completed Chapter 1 of the class textbook. We learned about vowels, (fatha, kasra, damma and sukun) and the shadda. We completed a number of exercises covering the pronunciation of vowels, reading joined up letters, and reading words with vowels and the shadda.
The homework remains practising writing and completing as much as we can of the worksheets we received during the first lesson.
The next class is Monday 29 October from 8.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m.
The teacher will distribute the class textbooks during this lesson.
(Monday 21 October was a holiday)
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