| مـعـهــد الـعـربـيـة الآن
This space has been intended for questions and answers concerning homework and treated subjects by students and professor.
Other matter you can write about in the guest book.
You can find the previous guest book, from 2006 till 2008, here (in the Dutch language).



Arabic Class Monday 28 October 2013 - Summary
We continued with “Mastering Arabic 1”, and completed chapter 2 of the book. This chapter focuses mainly upon the letters : alif, dal, dhal, ra, zay and waw. We learned about long vowels, and more about the letter alif, and the hamza. We also covered basic introductions and greetings.
We completed exercises in reading words, and the teacher referred us to a useful exercise on his website which can be found by going to the Dutch version of the website, to the following page (you can copy and past the link):
then selecting the following link under the “lesmaterial” subheading:
• Beginners (Deel 1, les 1-6/7)
Then selecting and downloading:
Les 3, Vorm woorden van ………
The homework is the exercises from chapter 2 of the book, and practicing handwriting the alphabet using the worksheets distributed during the first class, and the above document.
The next class is Monday 4 November 2013 from 8.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m.
1 Guest(s)

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