Lesson Arabic language


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Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the official Arabic language. It can be written and spoken, and there is no difference between the written and the spoken form.
In its written form, Modern Standard Arabic is the language of literature and the media. Books, newspapers, magazines, official documents, private and business correspondence, street signs and shop signs – all are written in Modern Standard Arabic.

Modern Standard Arabic is taught at schools, universities and colleges. There are no local varieties of Modern Standard Arabic. The language is exactly the same across the Arab world. The course on this website will teach you Modern Standard Arabic, and you can start learning it right away.

Modern Standard Arabic has developed out of Classical Arabic, the language of the Quran. During the era of the caliphate,Classical Arabic was the language used for all religious, cultural, administrative and scholarly purposes.


Mastering Arabic 1 : is the most accessible, carefully-paced and lively introductory Modern Standard Arabic course on the market, and uses a effective tried and tested methodology which works for both classroom use and teach yourself learners. It offers lively dialogues, varied texts and exercises, and fascinating cultural insights – what you would expect from a modern Arabic language course but can’t find! Mastering Arabic 1 is also available as a Book and CDs Pack.

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