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Media is a term that is used to refer to various forms of communication, such as television, radio, newspapers, and the internet. These forms of communication are used to share information and news with people, and they can also be used for entertainment purposes. In general, the media is a powerful tool for influencing public opinion and shaping people’s beliefs and attitudes.



Arabic countries





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Arabic countries

  • Egypt state information service Egypt, (English/Arabic / عَرَبِيّ) Luidspreker
  • Alarabiya Luidspreker الـعـَربـيّـة Dubai, (Arabic / عــَـرَبــِـيّ)
  • Rotana Luidspreker روتـانـا Jordan, (Arabic / عــَـرَبــِـيّ)
  • Radio Party Luidspreker راديـو بـارتـي Jordanië, (Arabic / عــَـرَبــِـيّ)
  • Delta FM Luidspreker دلـْـتـا Lebanon, (Arabic / عــَـرَبــِـيّ)
  • Medi 1 Luidspreker مـيدا1 Morocco, (Arabic / عــَـرَبــِـيّ)

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Arabic countries

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Arabic countries

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